The Essex County Farm Safety Association is hosting their 7th annual, free farmer’s evening on Tuesday, March 15th at the Essex Civic Centre from 7-9 pm. This event is in conjunction with Agriculture Safety Week that is recognized across Canada.

This year, the evening will consist of 3 short workshops covering different topics of interest. One will be facilitated by Dina Daheen-Pich, Pharmacist at the Essex Pharamcare who will speak on drug interactions. The second one will feature Dr. Julie Fraser, a chiropodist who will speak about caring for your feet. The third workshop will deal with vision and eye care.

Farmers who attend the evening and bring in two old SMV signs, can trade them in for two new ones free of charge at the end of the night.

Come with questions, an open mind and learn to be safe! For more details, contact Anne, at the Essex County Federation of Agriculture, by calling 519-776-5159 or